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Global Weight Loss Program
(Choose from 2 different options: Pro Kit or Basic Kit)

Why do we love this product so much?

Because it's a healthy way to Lose 70% of your weight in 21 days!

With this program, 70% of your goal is met in the first 21 days!*

  • Reset your Metabolism*

  • Lose .5 - 1.5 lbs per day

  • 63 Day 3 Phase Program

  • Metabolize Stubborn Fat*

  • Natural Proprietary Appetite Suppressant

  • Support the Right Hormones for a Healthy Metabolism*

  • Maintain Lean Muscle Mass while in caloric restriction* 

  • NO HCG or synthetic hormones

  • Sublingual Drops (no hard-to-swallow pills!)

  • No Starvation or Crash Diets

  • No Medicinal Contraindications 

  • No exercise required

  • FREE weekly accountability with your coach!

  • FREE 24/7 text message access to your coach!

  • Monthly accountability meetings

  • Nutrition Guide and Meal Plans Included

  • Amazing Easy Recipes Included

  • Grocery List 

The Global Weight Loss kits can be used as stand-alone weight loss product, or you can combine it with our LED Red Light Therapy Machine for maximum results. It is fast, easy, result driven, and super effective. 

Watch this quick video for more information about the Global Weight Loss Program

The Global Weight Loss Program (What comes in my Kit?)

  1. Blue Drops

  2. Pink Drops

  3. Green Drops

  4. Fiber Matrix

  5. Liquid Complete Vitamins

  6. Optional  for Pro Kit - choose either Chocolate or Vanilla

    1. Ghi Cleanse

    2. Fit Metabolix

So what's the Science Behind It?

​It is a 63-day program that takes you through 3 Phases for MAX results. The first phase is a loading phase (Blue Drops) that takes a screenshot of your metabolism running at its highest rate with the temporary calorie increase The second phase (Pink Drops) is the active fat-burning phase which sheds .5 to 1.5 pound daily. The third phase (Green Drops) is the very last phase whereby the drops calm the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland so your weight stays off long term, thus, reducing the yo-yo dieting effect so you don't gain any of the weight back! In the 3rd phase, we also sell additional bottles of the Green Drops if needed. Our facility has been using this program for over 9 years, and it's our secret weapon when it comes to a stubborn metabolism.* In our experience, it's the best addition for peri and postmenopausal gain.* But it is super awesome and just as effective for men too!!


How Does the Program Work?  (Blue Drops, Pink Drops, Green Drops)

Your brain controls the secretion of hormones. There are two types of hormones released in the bloodstream after every meal – fat burning and fat storage. Believe it or not, we have more fat-releasing hormones in our system than fat-storing hormones. So we have more hormone support to burn fat NOT store it, soooo shouldn't our body by activating the fat-burning hormones more often statistically? YES!  However, often this is not the case in our modern society because of our long-term poor eating habits. This kit is perfect for supporting and retraining our fat-burning hormones to start burning stubborn fat 24/7.* The more we do this the easier it will be for our body to tap into this process long-term* The program is long enough to create new sustained and healthier habits.*


You will receive FREE access to our 24/7 support system from our staff in person, via Text, Video, or Phone call when additional support is needed. Your text messages go right to our computers during business hours, and to our cell phones after hours.


Over the course of the 63-day program, you will learn how to eat amazing food and make it work for your metabolism instead of against it.* It's pretty simple we just have to reteach our bodies to learn how to tap back into fat burning NOT fat storing, and that's exactly what this program helps support!* 

Easy Button ACTIVATED !


The food and nutrition guide comes with amazing simple recipes so you never get bored with your meals. They are tasty and two of my favorite recipes are a crock pot chili, and a mimic of PF Chang's Lettuce wraps that my kids and husband don't know are healthy and Global Weight Loss Plan approved. Shhhhh let's not tell them. lol*


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Which kit is best for me?

Option 1: Pro Kit - Our clients have an easier time-fighting Sweet Cravings with this option
Option 2: Basic Kit 

1.) The PRO Kit has 2 additional products compared to the basic kit for maximum support. It includes 1 GHI Detox Protein Shake and 1 Vanilla OR Chocolate Plant Protein shake. This kit option can enhance your results by an additional 10 lbs as compared to the basic kit alone. 

How do you know if the Pro kit is for you? If you struggle with heinous sweet cravings and need extra insulin-level support this is the kit for you.

2.) The BASIC Kit does not have Protein Shake or Cleanse support. If you do not have as much to lose, the basic kit is a great and effective option. You can expect to lose about 15-25 lbs in this 63-day program.*

Shop Kits Now

The Pro Kit Chocolate

Global Weight Loss Drops

How to Purchase 

** We apologize for requiring more steps to purchase the Global Weight Loss Program. If you are looking for an online coaching option we have the Thinfinity® Program which is a Global Weight Loss white-labeled program. The protocol is 3 phases and the results are the same for half the price.

Per the Global Weight Loss company policies: Providers are not allowed to display prices publicly or have a " Buy NOW" button on our website.
We do not sell your data for spam messages!

The Pro Kit Vanilla

Global Weight Loss Program

How to Purchase 

** We apologize for requiring more steps to purchase the Global Weight Loss Program. If you are looking for an online coaching option we have the Thinfinity® Program which is a Global Weight Loss white-labeled program. The protocol is 3 phases and the results are the same for half the price. 

Per the Global Weight Loss company policies: Providers are not allowed to display prices publicly or have a "Buy NOW" button on our website.
We do not sell your data for spam messages!

The Basic Kit

Global Weight Loss Program Kits

How to Purchase 

** We apologize for requiring more steps to purchase the Global Weight Loss Program. If you are looking for an online coaching option we have the Thinfinity® Program which is a Global Weight Loss white-labeled program. The protocol is 3 phases and the results are the same for half the price.

Per the Global Weight Loss company policies: Providers are not allowed to display prices publicly or a "Buy NOW" button on our website.
We do not sell your data for spam messages!

The famous Green Drops

We recommend taking the Green Drops for an extended amount of time for ongoing support if you have been overweight for more than 10 years. Green Coffee Bean, or "green drops" is how we reference them. This is the 3rd and final phase of the program. They can be taken for several months following Phases 1 & 2 when you have reached your desired weight.

This is the maintenance phase whereby your weight begins to stabilize and supports the prevention of the  YO-YO effect. We recommend continuing this phase until your new eating habits are fully established.

Many people report losing 5-7 lbs during this last and final maintenance phase.* (I personally take just these periodically when I need to lose 5-7 lbs myself.)

Below: Not an actual photo of the drops-- Global Weight Loss does not allow photos of their products anymore...

so you must use your imagination (Lol)

Green Bottle of Drops
Health is a lifestyle not a diet
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