Weight Loss Program
If you LOVE Global Weight Loss but not the cost:
Give Thinfinity a try! We love it and so do our patients!
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Want a more affordable price
Now offering Thinfinity as a replacement for Global Weight Loss Drops for people who may prefer the flexibility from 10 pounds to 50 lbs and the lower price of Thinifity with all the same results!!
So how similar is it?
For comparison purposes let me show you how similar it is...
Thinfinity has the same 3 phases as Global Weight Loss.
1. Phase 1: The loading phase is 2 days with the same 3,000 to 4,000 calories while taking the Candida Drops.
2. Phase 2: The reduction or fat loss phase is 40 days and it is done with the Metabolic Drops and Candida Drops.
3. Phase 3: The stabilizing phase is done with the Stabilizing Drops.

Global Weight Loss
Global Weight Loss
Lose .5 - 2 lbs day
Comes with recipes
24/7 Coaching
Safe,Effective, HCG FREE
Fully Customizable
Purchase bottles Separately
Candida Yeast Killer
More Affordable
Ship anywhere in USA